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Keeping your Senses Sharp this Season for Gas Leaks

Photo of a person holding a cloth over their face as they try to turn off potential gas leak from their kitchen stove.

As frightening as gas leaks can be for your home and health, thankfully, there are numerous signs to clue you in on potential leaks in your home. Here are just some of the most significant signs to look for this holiday season and avoid unwanted home damage.

The smell of eggs

Waking up to the smell of fresh eggs and bacon can be such a wonderful smell to start the day. Now the smell of rotten eggs or sulfur? Not so much. If you start walking around your kitchen or parts of your home, like near your furnace, that smells distinctly of sulfur or rotten eggs, you may have a gas leak.

Many homeowners ask if the natural gas has the smell of sulfur, and the answer is that natural gas is odorless. What you smell is essentially a scent added to the gas line to help alert homeowners of any potential leaks. Remember to ventilate your home to avoid gas inhalation and call our team immediately.

Dead lawns and plants

Gas leaks can damage your lawn and potted plants! Gas leaks are incredibly harmful to vegetation as they will cause wilting and decay relatively quickly. If you notice your yard plants or even potted plants in your home suddenly wilting, despite you taking good care of them, this is a sign of a potential gas leak. The same symptoms can appear on your lawn if there are potentially more dangerous gas line ruptures in your home’s gas line.

Bubbly water

Many homeowners may overlook this sign when dealing with potential gas leaks as standing water near drains suddenly has bubbles appear. The biggest clue that you may have a gas leak is looking around puddles in your yard or even water in your home that suddenly seems to bubble.

You can use bubbles to your advantage by going to gas valves near your home and spraying a soap water solution onto potential areas of a leak. If the soapy water begins to bubble, you have a gas leak.

Noisy clues

If you hear the strange sound of your home hissing at you, no, you don’t have a snake crawling around your vents, but you more than likely have a gas leak. Usually, you can hear the hissing sound near your furnace. In general, your furnace should be relatively quiet, so any additional noises you may hear are ample signs that you are overdue for repairs.

Physical symptoms

If you manage not to spot other signs of a gas leak, you can hopefully spot the physical symptoms of gas exposure, and unfortunately, they are not pleasant. Prolonged exposure to gas will lead to fatigue in many, even headaches and nausea that can mimic cold-like symptoms. On top of general fatigue, your skin, eyes, and throat can feel suddenly irritated, and your breathing will suddenly feel labored.

While you should not just wait for yourself to feel physical symptoms before calling in emergency help to fix your gas line, please be wary of these physical symptoms alongside the other signs of a potential gas leak.

At Advanced Air Home Services we know how deadly gas leaks can be and the time-sensitive nature of fixing gas line issues. That’s why when you call us at (386) 260-2330, we will make sure your home’s gas lines are repaired quickly, and you have peace of mind knowing your home is safe.